Category Archives: Upcoming Projects

News and previews for upcoming projects that aren’t ready to have their own category.


In the interest of making it look like I’m actually doing something productive and useful to society, I am posting a screenshot from our upcoming adventure/puzzle game which is taking forever totally almost finished.

Screenshot from Junction

I’m hoping to have it out by the end of May. Maybe even May of this year.

An Apology

I’m so sorry! I keep promising things that I am unable to deliver on. I said I would have some Adventurer’s Guide entries up by now, but so far I haven’t even gotten around to drafting them. I’m such a horrible person! 🙁

For the past week or two I’ve been storming through the second draft of Under a Different Moon, that is, Iccari’s story. You may remember Iccari from some of the many Sketchbook Monday entries in which he has appeared. It is rare for me to keep up such an extended session of creativity and, as I near the end of the second draft, I fear it will go out again before I finish. Please understand my predicament. I still plan on getting a page up this week, but if it doesn’t happen, at least it won’t be due to my own laziness for a change.

Thank you for your understanding (or your lack thereof as the case may be). I really am sorry.

In the meantime, how about taking a minute to vote in the annual character poll? 🙂

Another Project Legion Screenshot

Game prototype screenshot
Slowly piecing the level editor together. This is probably the most tedious part of this stage of development, but it’s starting to really come together. Now I can start putting together some early art and level designs. Pretty soon I’m going to have to start working on the actual art the will be used in-game. (Most of what’s there now is just temporary.)

You can click on the screenshot to see it at full size.

Platformer + RTS = ?

I’ve come up with novel ways to combine elements of both genres in my game thus far. For example, like any good platformer there’s plenty of collectibles lying around (id est coins in Mario, rings in Sonic). There’s also RTS-style resource gathering, where you must have enough resources in order to build/purchase a new unit (id est gold in WarCraft, et cetera).

In fact, both of these things are one and the same! The collectibles are the resources. 😀

Yet Another Screenshot

Still working on my game.

Game prototype screenshot

(You can click on the image to view a larger version.) You may notice that the units are more organized, lining up behind their leader instead of standing around at random points. It’s slowly becoming more and more like a real game. The more I play it, the more I get an idea of what kind of game I want it to be. It’s still not that much fun play, but I’m starting to get glimpses as to what needs to be done to correct that. Hooray for prototyping! 😀

The game was originally just going to be a single player game, but I was careful to keep the door open in case I changed my mind and, low and behold, I decided to test around a little bit and ended up implementing a split screen multiplayer mode. Too bad I don’t have enough controllers to test it like I want to right now, but at least players one and two work. XD

Where is Procyon?

‘Tis an excellent question. After it was announced, I’d been giving regular updates on our animated series Procyon‘s progress.

Unfortunantly, the project hit a tag-team of technical problems and story problems. Technical problems are bad enough, but story problems are deadly. They can kill a project like you wouldn’t believe! We’re currently looking at our options concerning the project and will post an update when/if anything develops.

Please wish us luck! We need it. 🙁

Pulling Back the Veil

I’ve talked for a long time about how Vision Riders has wanted to produce an animated series. In fact, really, animation is why I put Vision Riders together in the first place. Well, at long last, things have been set in motion and a new series is in full production.

Our new animated series is called “Procyon“. The series is being animated in “traditional” 2-D and you’ll be able to watch it right here on the Vision Riders site. The story is broken up into chapters that will range from 5-10 minutes in length. However, you won’t have to wait for the whole chapter to be animated before you can watch it. Each chapter is further divided into sections that will be uploaded from time-to-time (probably every few weeks). You can view each section as it’s completed, or you can just wait and watch the whole chapter when it’s done. (Unlike Swordmaster Odyssey, there will be no set time for updates.)

The story centers around the adventures of a young man who’s found himself stranded nearly twelve lightyears away from Earth, the survivor of an expedition to colonize the Procyon system. Although he is alone and rescue is virtually impossible, he has kept his hopes high, remaining sane by building and repairing machinery. Eventually he discovers another survivor: a boy, still in frozen sleep within a life pod.

Procyon sets itself apart from most animation on the web in that it’s not purely comedy-driven. The series combines humor, drama, and action in an adventure meant to be enjoyed by a wide audience. Since Procyon is such a small-scale production, I want to make sure that you won’t get too bored waiting for the next section: expect to find news and updates on the production here on the blog. I’ll probably even include a few storyboards and pencil tests from time-to-time.

I’ve been looking forward to being able to do this for a long time! I hope that you’ll enjoy the series when it premieres this summer. I also hope to have some screenshots to share with you in the near future, so please look forward to it. 🙂

I Take That Back

Now, when I first started Vision Riders Entertainment, I had planned to do an online animated series in addition to the webcomic. As the news page on the company’s site points out, I had initially wanted to have it out by this summer.

However, as summer approaches, I can clearly tell you that we won’t have it ready by summer. With such a small company like Vision Riders, life sometimes makes it hard to keep things firing on all cylinders, and this is one of those times. In fact, I’m sad to announce that we will probably not even have an animated series up this year at all. I still plan to do one, I just don’t have the means to get start things in motion for the time being. The good news is that this gives me more time to dedicate towards planning it when the time does come for full production to begin.

However, I am proud to reveal that there is, in fact, another project in the works. Hoperfully in a month or so I’ll be ready to show off some previews along with an “official” announcement as to what the project is. Keep an eye on the blog for more details as they become availible!