Category Archives: Art

Assorted sketches, drawings, and paintings for your amusement.

Sketchbook Monday #58

Wait—today’s Monday, right? I think I’m supposed to do something today… Oh! That’s it! I’m supposed to ink a page for Swordmaster Odyssey! But it feels like I’m forgetting something else… Wait, what day am I supposed to do Sketchbook Monday? Tuesday?—No! Monday! That’s today! Well then, let’s see what I drew in the ol’ sketchbook this week.

Hmm… This isn’t much. Maybe I should just draw something now? Nah, I’m too lazy to do that. Okay, I’ll just upload this sketch here.

[Scans and uploads.]


There. A job well done! Crisis averted.

Have You Hugged Yourself Today?

Young Luke gives Asch a hug.“Get away from me, dreck! You smell funny and you can’t even walk right. Hey! Don’t hug me!”

Young Asch and Luke from Tales of the Abyss. It’s been done a thousand times before me, but seeing these two as “brothers” in their youth simply strikes me as cute. And, for once, I’m satisfied with my own coloring job. Used the same cel shading wannabe style here I’ve been using in Swordmaster Odyssey as of late. Gives me some practice if nothing else.

Line art done on 12F animation paper with a Pigma Micron art marker. Color in Photoshop.

Sketchbook Monday #57

Bah! Forgot all about Sketchbook Monday again! But yesterday was President’s Day, so I have an excuse.

sketchI wanted to draw a guy and his son, but I never got around to drawing the son. 🙁

sketchLook! I found my Prismacolor pencils! And I’m just as bad with them as I always was! Granted, it’d look better if it wasn’t so tiny. Colored pencils are already fickle enough as it is scanning them in, but if you don’t draw large enough, it just looks bad.

sketchHere’s a slightly larger version of the kid above. Guys can wear pink shirts, too! Honestly, I’m kind of partial to the smaller thumbnail version of him…

Sketchbook Monday #56

No Sketchbook Monday last week because I was sick.

sketchIt’s Xavier, the archnemesis of Glenn, both of whom have been featured in several Sketchbook Mondays.

sketchHere he is again.

sketchThe noble thief, Garret, stretching or… something. I really need to make the game these characters were designed for. They’ve been around forever, but I’ve never gotten to it. 🙁

Sketchbook Monday #55

Can’t believe I actually forgot all about Sketchbook Monday yesterday. Good grief, I’m slipping.

sketchInspired by an avatar I saw someone using somewhere, though the who and where have since departed from my memory. Wasn’t quite as cute as the original.

sketchFuzzy, wild hair! He doesn’t seem to mind it so much, though.

sketchRandom cute girl #(insert random number for comic effect)

sketchYou can’t go wrong with Mario! He looks a little more “real” here than he usually does elsewhere, I suppose.

sketchIt’s Naruto! From the manga series of the same name. I seem to have been preoccupied with fan art this past week. Believe it!

Sketchbook Monday #54

sketchI felt like drawing curly hair one day. Can’t remember exactly what he’s supposed to be for, but I’m pretty sure I had an idea for some game in mind at the time. Truth be told, I don’t like curly hair that much. Too bad I have a head full of it, I guess. :/

sketchEike, a character in Iccari’s story who makes his living as a bodyguard.

sketchA snail boy. Wish I could say this is the wierdest thing I’ve ever drawn, but no, I’m sure I could dig deeper. Either way, even my sketchbook is baffled.

sketch“I—Is this shell for real? Can I touch it?”
“Yes, but only if you promise not to pour salt on me.”

sketchThis girl first appeared in Sketchbook Monday #43 and I’ve drawn her many times since then. I like her cute design a lot, so I really ought to find a place to use her. And, for that matter, give her a proper name.

sketchIccari’s nemisis/rival/archenemy/I-don’t-really-know-anymore.

Sketchbook Monday #53

I’d been saving these things as super-compressed jpeg files, but I don’t think it’ll kill me if the files are a little bigger. Thus from here on out I’m upping the quality. Hopefully the quality of the sketches themselves will follow? 🙂

sketchHere’s yet another version of Iccari’s friend Naomi. One day I’ll nail down the way she looks. …Oh, who am I kidding? 😛

sketchSpeaking of Iccari, it’s… well, Iccari. “Surprise!”

sketchJust a girl.

sketchThe art of noses illudes me, but one day I shall conquer it!

Sketchbook Monday #51

sketchIt’s a rough sketch of the kid from My Brother. I was testing the pose for a piece of animation here. (The now-animated clip might just appear on the site tomorrow.)

sketchRandom Boy #8762…

sketch…And #8763

sketchA bunch of Swordmaster Odyssey characters. From left to right: Hayden, Will, Silver, Thanatos. But you already knew that, right? They weren’t actually drawn together like this, but I resized and moved them each around in Photoshop so that they would be.

Sketchbook Monday #50

Can you believe it!? Fifty!

sketchConcept art for the city station in My Brother. I know it doesn’t seem like much… but that’s because it isn’t! What a lousy way to celebrate #50, eh? Well, it doesn’t really matter, since I’m about to post a screen grab of some completed animation… :3