Category Archives: Art

Assorted sketches, drawings, and paintings for your amusement.

Sketchbook Monday #32

Seeing as how I reserve the right to not have to work on a holiday, I didn’t upload this yesterday. Thus, we have another classic case of “Sketchbook Tuesday”. 🙂

sketchOne of my stranger sketches, no doubt. It’s Jessie! As a fairy… It was so strange that it had to be done! :3

Sketchbook Monday #31

sketchA random girl fixing her baseball cap. Doesn’t look as much like the original idea as I would have liked. Granted, she’s not from anything and I have no plans to use her in any stories, but still, it drives me up the wall when the sketch doesn’t match the idea. Well, unless the sketch turns out better than the idea, of course! 😉

Sketchbook Monday #30

Oh bother! I almost forgot that this was Monday! XD

sketchIt’s Ian in a planning sketch I did before animating the scene where you see this.

sketchJordan doing nothing of real interest. He likes posing for the camera, I suppose, because it seems he’s always smiling and looking into it whenever I sketch him.

Sketchbook Monday #29

Alas, I got very little done today! I set aside the whole morning to mow the lawn (one of the perks of being my own boss: getting yard work done on “company” time ;)), but the sky took to raining–hard–all day. My schedule disrupted, I figured I could still get some light work on Procyon hammered out, but didn’t even manage that. Ended up wasting the afternoon thinking about what needed to get done and never getting around to it. After that, I thought “Oh well, I’ll just call it a day and catch up on some writing this evening.” Instead, wasted the whole evening playing video games. XD …Now I have a headache. -_-

But enough about that.

sketchSideburns are fun to draw! :3 Looks sort of like Ebenezer Scrooge, though.

sketchAnother sketch of Iccari, who was prominently featured in last week’s Sketchbook Monday. Here he looks more sane! He looks funny, though, because he’s holding his shoulders up, but you can’t really tell with that scarf or hood or whatever he’s wearing–so it looks sort of like he has no neck!

Sketchbook Monday #28

sketchOh, look! It’s random guy #472. He’s okay, but his design is nothing special. There are some characters that I draw where my reaction is “Wow! I’ve got to use this guy somewhere!” Unfortunantly, this guy isn’t one of them. XD

sketchA very angry version of a character that I haven’t drawn in ages. Known as “Iccari”, he dates back… oh, probably to before I even started attending art school. Humanoid characters with animal qualities can trace their roots as far back as the centaurs, fauns, and gorgons of ancient mythology, but nowdays they’re mostly associated with Japanese anime and manga. I had never tried my hand at them and ended up building a narrative and mythology around a fictional world they inhabit. Since the design can be considered a cliche, I never really finished the story, but every now and again I wish that I had–and usually end up adding a little bit more to it before giving up again. 😉

sketchHere, Iccari is being toted around by a young human that has captured him. He ends up entrusting his freedom to her in hopes that she can help him reach his destination. But is this really a wise decision? …Oh, bother, thinking about the story so much, now I want to go work on it all over again! -_-

By the way, I’m still hard at work on Procyon (our upcoming animated series, for those who missed the announcement). The first “transmission” (as I’ve come to call each two-minute mini-episode) is about one-third of the way done now, I think. The story has continued to evolve even since I announced it, but I think we’re finally headed in the right direction here. I mean, if I’m going to be working on it for a few years, shouldn’t I come up with a story I like? 🙂 I think a lot of you will enjoy it as well…

I plan to share some screenshots and character designs some time this week! Just a fair warning, though: while I think that we’re coming out with some of the best quality animation produced exclusively for the web, don’t expect Disney Feature Animation quality or anything. It’s mostly just me working on it after all; and we can’t pull off Beauty and the Beast or The Iron Giant on a shoe string budget anyway. 😉

Sketchbook Monday #27

Oh, wow! I have a treasure-trove of junk for you guys today! 😀

sketchThis is “Colin”. Those of you who’ve seen my work from before I even started Vision Riders will probably recognize him. He has a story and everything, but I’ve never had the time or skill to give it form the way I want.

sketchSometimes I doodle, and as I doodle something takes form as I kind of just go with the flow. That’s where this kid came from. He looks like a know-it-all. 😛

sketchThis guy has “villian” written all over him.


sketchA brother and sister arguing. I enjoy drawing siblings for some reason… I don’t know what they’re fighting about, but they look pretty upset. :/

Ollie Johnston 1912-2008

It came to my attention today that Ollie Johnston died recently. For those who don’t know, Ollie was one of Disney’s “nine old men”, nine of the most talented animators in the history of the art form, and the cornerstone of Disney animation for years.

He was the last great animator of his time to pass away…It came to my attention today that