It’s a big day today! After so long, Another Star is finally out on Steam! It’s even 15% off until this upcoming Tuesday!
Check it out:
Hopefully it does well enough that I can make another game to follow it up, even if I can’t work on it full time like I did Another Star. Only time will tell.
Good luck on Steam! 🙂
You have done a wonderful job on this game.Payed for it on steam today {worth every piece of loot mind you) and having more fun than you can shake a copper sword at.Hope to see more like this and hope other developers learn from what you have accomplished here as it is that good and I believe it will inspire others that there is a market for old school retro style games and they can be just as involving and fun as the heavy hitter rpg games.Thank you for your work and I will be keeping my eyes open for more from you.